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New Capability
Customer 360 Tab
C360 | Core tables now available in database table run history
Core Tables are now visible in run history for databases. The run history view allows users to get an understanding of when each table in databases were last run, skipped, or failed, and provides a visual indicator of how long the table has run for. Adding Core Tables into the database table run history provides a more complete picture of all table operations that happened within a database run without unexpected gaps.

Sources Tab
Platform Update
Amperity Bridge | Snowflake: Inbound Data Sharing now Generally Available
We are pleased to announce that Inbound Bridge sharing from Snowflake to Amperity is now generally available to all customers! You are now able to directly load Snowflake data into Amperity via Secure Data Sharing. This functionality comes with a number of benefits including:
Fast set up
- Users can set up an inbound Snowflake Bridge share within minutes - bypassing the complexity of a legacy courier/feeds configuration.Governance
- Snowflake Secure Data Sharing allows for a true zero-copy experience so you can add or revoke shared assets at any time as you see fit.Scale
- The direct data access provided by Bridge allows for users to get Snowflake tables into Amperity extremely quickly. Once configured, Bridge allows for up to billions of customer records to be synced into Amperity Source tables and available for downstream processing within minutes.
Learn how to start using Amperity Bridge for Snowflake in our documentation.
This Amperity Bridge for Snowflake update is part of our larger Customer Data Cloud announcement. Read more about it here.
New Capability
Queries Tab
Queries | Spark SQL access in Queries
We are excited to announce Spark SQL availability within the Query Editor for Datagrid Administrators and Datagrid Operators. Now, you can write and test Spark SQL directly in Amperity without running several pieces of the platform. Since Spark SQL is used throughout Amperity to process data, the ability to run queries using the same query engine means that you get to see the exact same query results that Amperity will see when running jobs, saving you time and toil.
Presto SQL remains the default engine for querying, but you now have the option of using Spark SQL as your query engine. Using Presto in queries to test SparkSQL was error-prone due to syntax and performance incongruities that were difficult to identify without running and/or failing multiple potentially costly jobs.
To get started, edit any query in the “Queries” tab. You will now have the option to select Spark SQL as your query engine in addition to Presto SQL. To use, simply start a Spark session and begin running Spark queries.

New Capability
Workflows Tab
Workflows | Streamlined Workflow Management: New “Configured” Tab & Courier Group Dialog Enhancements
We are excited to share two UI updates within workflows:
- A new “Configured” tab has been added to the Workflows page to consolidate all information about scheduled workflows from the Sources and Destinations pages into one location.
- The courier group workflow dialog has been given a facelift and now includes visibility into configured activations.
New "Configured" tab
The new “Configured” tab lets you immediately see important information about all your configured workflows, such as run status and schedule. This provides at-a-glance visibility into recent failures and timing across different workflows. You’re able to see the last run status of your configured workflows, with a link available to the latest run to help drill down further if need be.

Updated workflow configuration dialog
When you click into a configured courier group workflow, you will also see that the dialog has been given a facelift. All configuration previously available in the courier group dialog is still present, such as general scheduling configuration as well as source data configuration (couriers and Bridges). Previously, however, it was difficult to piece together courier groups with orchestration groups, Profile API indexes, campaigns, or predictive models that had been configured to run as part of a courier group workflow. The new “Activations” tab within the configured workflow dialog lets you see at a glance all of the activations configured to send data downstream as part of a particular courier group workflow. This gives you the full end-to-end picture of what data sources comprise a workflow, and what destinations a workflow will send to.

Learn more at our workflow documentation or courier group documentation.
Campaigns Tab
Workflows Tab
Campaigns | Additional alerting options now available
You can now receive alerts when campaigns complete or when campaign runtimes exceed a configured threshold. This lets you know that your campaigns are finished sending or if there are any anomalous runtime issues with your campaigns, without having to watch campaigns in Amperity.
Campaign success and duration alerts are available under “Advanced campaign settings” from the “Automated workflow alerts” dialog in the Workflows page.

Learn more in the Amperity Documentation.
Campaigns Tab
Campaigns | Updates and Improvements
We are excited to announce recent updates to campaigns that make creating, updating, and generally using campaigns easier:
- Send Now
- Recently Used Destinations in Campaign Editor
- Drag-and-Drop Campaign Attributes
- Reset to Default Campaign Attributes
- Link to Segments from Campaign Editor
- Improved Search for Filters
- Auto-Populate Campaign Name with Segment
Send Now
You now have the option to send a campaign right away without changing its schedule. Sending a campaign using the "Send now" option won’t impact your existing schedule. Also, snackbar notifications let you know that the campaign is starting without the need to have the 'Recent Activity' sidebar open.

Recently Used Destinations in Campaign Editor
We’ve added a “Recently used” section to the top of the destinations dropdown that pulls the most recently used destinations across all campaigns. As you begin editing, we also add any destinations configured in the current campaign to the top of the list. For the majority of campaigns, the destinations you’re sending to will be right at the top of the list.

Drag-and-Drop Campaign Attributes
We’ve now introduced the ability to re-order campaign attributes by dragging and dropping the rows in the attribute editor. This allows you to more easily update the order of the fields being sent to downstream systems.

Reset to Default Campaign Attributes
You can now “Reset” the selected attributes for an existing campaign back to the defaults. This is helpful when using campaign attribute templates, which allow users to configure the default attributes that get selected for a given destination when setting up a campaign. While attributes are often unchanged from one campaign to the next, there are times when you might want to reset customized campaign attributes to the default template. Some use cases include:
- If you copy a campaign, any custom attribute configuration gets copied as well. This means that the users “new” campaign may have attributes that are different from the template.
- Attribute templates are only applied at the time of campaign creation, so if the template is updated later, those changes are not automatically applied to the campaign.

Link to Segments from Campaign Editor
Within the campaign editor, you have the option to select segments for inclusion or exclusion. A user can click on these segments to see the Visual Segment Editor (VSE) criteria or SQL, but they can’t navigate directly to the segment to see any additional information. We have now added a link to the segment insights page, which opens in a new tab so that a user’s current campaign session doesn’t get interrupted.

Improved Search for Filters
The search functionality in the campaigns tab can now be searched by the destination type or destination itself. This change goes beyond just the destinations list and is now true for any filterable attribute. If the filter attributes are grouped, then the search will work over both the individual items in the list as well as their group labels.

Auto-Populate Campaign Name with Segment
When creating a campaign directly from a segment, the name of the campaign will now default to the original segment name.

Platform Update
Settings Tab
Platform | Settings Tab Replaces Users and Activity Tab
The Users and Activity tab has been updated to Settings. It now includes sub-tabs for quick navigation to Users, Security (SSO Groups, Resource Groups, and API Keys), Credentials, Sandboxes, Integrations (BI Connect and Slack), and Activity Log.

Customer 360 Tab
AmpAI | AI Generated Field Descriptions in Databases
Now you can let AI take a first pass at writing your field descriptions in database tables. AI takes into account information about upstream tables, passthrough table schemas, and other information to generate detailed descriptions. Field descriptions also help AI Assistant reason about tables better.

Customer 360 Tab
Destinations Tab
Destinations | Native UID 2.0 Support
We’re excited to announce updates to our UID 2.0 Integration, which now allows for UID 2.0 credentials to be created in Amperity. UID 2.0 allows companies to safely target and influence audiences across the open internet through the use of tokens rather than directly identifiable information (DII) such as email or phone number. Amperity’s native integration improves closed-loop measurement of customers in the UID network.
With these updates, you can now enable upstream UID2 generation, allowing UID2s to be generated as a part of the Amperity Paid Media data asset. Once enabled, UID2s will be generated in bulk and refreshed regularly as part of the daily workflow. This means they can be connected back to an Amperity ID and orchestrated or activated in a campaign, regardless of connector.
UID2 settings are available in the "Customer 360 --> Databases" sub-tab in the top-right corner next to Help.

About UID 2.0
Unified ID 2.0 (UID2), developed by The Trade Desk, provides a mechanism to refer to individuals by a token representing a piece of their DII such as email or phone number. These tokens are growing in usage by companies in a post-cookie world to provide activation and measurement at an individual level.
Sources Tab
Sources | Date Range, Time Zone, Data Lineage and More Updates
We’re excited to announce several recent updates to sources in the Amperity Platform that make it easier to set up courier groups, view ingest details, and see data lineage:
- Help Text for Date Ranges in Couriers
- Date Ranges Respect Time Zones
- More Granular Ingest Details in Notifications Panel
- Data Lineage Link to Objects
Help Text for Date Ranges in Couriers
We have added help text to date ranges in the courier group dialog. During setup, this helps make it clearer when exactly a courier will run and what date ranges it will use to search for files.

Date Ranges Respect Time Zones
Courier Groups now allow you to use the selected time zone when searching for files to ingest. Selecting this checkbox means that for most file ingest scenarios, you no longer have to think about time zone and courier offset calculations.

More Granular Ingest Details in Notifications Panel
We added the recently updated Ingest Details report to the Sources page. This makes it easier to find the report for workflows with a completed ingest right from the notification panel on the Sources page. You can see upsert stats like the number of inserted and updated records, copy landing file locations (e.g. for Databricks), and download the feed and file error logs from the details report when available.
To find the report, click Ingest details for any courier group run’s notification. You can continue to see the same experience from the workflow’s detail page (View workflow) as well.
This report is also available via the Amperity API.

Data Lineage Link to Objects
You can now open the details for tables and objects from Data Lineage. Links are now available for most nodes when viewing the data lineage graph, including feeds, couriers, ingest queries, domain tables, custom domain tables (cdt), and database tables. When selecting or hovering over a node, an external link icon will appear which opens a new tab to the table / object in focus. This also means domain tables, ingest queries, custom domain tables, and database tables have been updated to be directly URL addressable, enabling deep link sharing scenarios.

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